Auchencheyne Forest
Dumfries and Galloway, in the Southwest region of Scotland. The project is located in the Galloway and Dumfries Biosphere, an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and a Designated Dark Sky Area of Britain.
A rapid-growing, commercial Climate forest with broadleaf edges: Sitka spruce, Norway spruce, noble fir, Scots pine, alder, rowan, downy birch and oak. A commercial project designed for continuous cover.
The dominant native forest in Scotland, before deforestation, was Caledonian Forest. This native forest was characterised by dominance of Scots pine and with a variety of mixed broadleaves. That said, vast areas of it would have been almost entirely coniferous. Various native species that had evolved in that environment are rare today: Red squirrels, Pine martens, Capercaillies, Scottish wildcats, osprey and more.
Returning coniferous forest to Scotland offers significant benefits to rare native species. In fact, many selectively reside in these areas, even if they are bein managed commercially for continuous cover.
Conservation Features
The project provides a conservation buffer to Galloway Forest managed by Forest and Land Scotland. This is one of the largest pine forest areas in the whole of Scotland and home to a diverse array of bird and mammal species.
At a Glance: Auchencheyne Forest
Dumfries and Galloway
Galloway Biosphere
Offsetting Capacity
24,379 tCO2e
140 Hectares
Forestry Features
Rapid-growing Climate Forest
Mixed conifer dominant
Tree Species
Sitka spruce, Norway spruce, noble fir, Scots pine, alder, rowan, downy birch and oak
Landscape Features
Conservation buffer to Galloway Forest
Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty
Designated Dark Sky Area
Key Species to Benefit
Red squirrels, Pine martens and Otters
Golden eagles, Ospreys and Crossbills
Black grouse, Red grouse and Nightjars
Sustainable Development Goals
Good Health and Wellbeing
Climate Action
Life on Land
Life Below Water
Partnerships for the Goals
Recognised Offsetting Framework
Woodland Carbon Code
Recognised Offset Standards
Pending Issuance Units becoming Woodland Carbon Units